POTLUCK! - All are welcome!
From Jan. 26 to Feb. 16 Elim will be celebrating Anabaptist 500. Five hundred years after the first adult baptisms in Zurich, Switzerland, the Anabaptist movement is alive and well, flourishing in more than eighty countries around the world. We are invited to "look backward and live forward" into the next five hundred years of our participation in God's renewing work in the world!
Monday Bible Study Dinner 6:30, study at 7. Studying the book Undistracted by Bob Goff. All dinner costs are covered. On-line is also an option. Contact Ryan or Candice if you are interested in joining.
Thursday Mornings is Ladies Bible Study will meet Thursdays 9:30am.
All are welcome!
If you have questions please talk to Helen Voth or Anges Foth.
Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at 7pm. Please contact Christine Janzen for locations.
Blanket sewing days to be announced. Sewing begins at 9am.
Several times a year we sew blankets which are distributed by MCC around the world.
The blanket sewing stations will remain up and available until the space is needed for other things. You can come and work whenever it's convenient for you. Arrangements to come in can be made with anyone who has a key.
Here's a link to a short blanket video!
Our next annual summer picnic is in June , 2025.
Join us for an outdoor service, chicken bbq, games, and visiting!
Every year we have an awesome Thanksgiving meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is always enough food for you and many more! Join us!