April 9: Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank
April 23: Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank 2-5pm
April 2: Share a Bowl dinner from 4 to 5:30 pm
April 30: Share a Bowl dinner from 4 to 5:30pm
April 26: Clothing, book and plant swap 9-12am
April 26: All are welcome to come watch "Where the Cottonwood Grows" 2:30 pm $20 adult, $10 student
April 17: Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7pm
Good Friday Service - 10am Apr. 18th
Easter Morning Service - 10am Apr. 20th
Thursday Mornings is Ladies Bible Study will meet Thursdays 9:30am.
All are welcome!
If you have questions please talk to Helen Voth or Anges Foth.
Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at 7pm. Please contact Christine Janzen for locations.
Blanket sewing days to be announced. Sewing begins at 9am.
Several times a year we sew blankets which are distributed by MCC around the world.
The blanket sewing stations will remain up and available until the space is needed for other things. You can come and work whenever it's convenient for you. Arrangements to come in can be made with anyone who has a key.
Here's a link to a short blanket video!
Our next annual summer picnic is in June , 2025.
Join us for an outdoor service, chicken bbq, games, and visiting!
Every year we have an awesome Thanksgiving meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is always enough food for you and many more! Join us!